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Sending 2010 Out in Style and Sparkle!

Remember when you were a kid and were always excited for things in the future — summer vacation, your birthday, what you would do when you were “older” — and all the grown-ups would tell you not to wish time away because it goes too fast anyway? Well, at the risk of sounding like a “real” grown-up, I have to ask –just where DOES the time go? How can it be the end of the year already? Well, it is, and we’re going to send it out in style with one last jewelry designer trunk show! We’ll have Anne Sportun‘s entire collection in the store this weekend — and just in time for Christmas shopping! Anne is best known for her gemstone and diamond rings, and is definitely one of our customers’ favorites and, with beauties like these, that’s certainly understandable! The show is Friday, December 17 from 10 – 7, Saturday, December 18 from 10 – 6 and Sunday, December 19 from noon – 5. In addition to the show on Sunday, Santa will be visiting Excelsior & Grand and available for picture taking with all of your little elves! So there’s a lot to do this weekend at E&G for everyone — and did I mention that this was happening right before Christmas?!?


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