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From the Bench: Meet Jennifer Dawes

Well now, it’s been quite a while since we’ve posted a “From the Bench” designer profile and that’s not good!  We’re going to ramp this section of our blog a bit going forward and, to start things off, we’re focusing on Jennifer Dawes, the designer of Dawes Design jewelry.  Our friends at Indesign.Jewelry are making it easy for us to bring you some inside info about Jennifer’s approach to design, as they recently conducted this great Q&A with her.  It was SO great, that there is a follow-up interview too!

One of the things I like the most about Jennifer and her jewelry is that she has a definite point of view — a point of view on what she wants to create, how she wants to create it and how she wants to run her business.  We’ve gone from carrying more of Jennifer’s “everyday” jewelry to carrying more of her bridal rings like the ones in the picture above.  Moving forward, you’ll be seeing more of the everyday gemstone collections in the store.  In the meantime, I hope that you’ll take a look at these interviews and enjoy getting to know one of our designers a little bit better!

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