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Hu Chocolate

Our journey to “Get Back To Human” started where many people are today: a bit groggy run-down and over-caffeinated. Even though we were living a “healthy” lifestyle - no junk food some exercise and some label reading - we weren’t really thriving. So Jordan our co-founder and corporate defector (he didn’t come from the food industry but he’s in deep now) immersed himself in all things food: the gut-brain connection systemic inflammation the impact of certain foods and additives on our health and where potentially harmful things are hiding in our food supply.

First he cut gluten. In just a few days an annoying skin condition he had dealt with for years completely disappeared. He was hooked. Second he went primal. In addition to kicking gluten to the curb gone were soy cane sugar cheap 'vegetable' oils and canola oil poor-quality meats and fish grains and dairy. He became sharper leaner more focused - he felt incredible. Third Jordan started asking questions at his favorite restaurants like “What kind of oil do you cook in?” and “What is the beef on your menu fed on the farms?” When even “healthy” restaurants couldn’t give him good answers he called Jess. Together they founded the restaurant (and chocolate line) they wished had existed. Now it does.

Welcome to Hu where we’re Getting Back To Human by creating food for humans.

Hu Chocolate
Hu Chocolate
Hu Chocolate

Hu Chocolate

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